This CD will help you follow the path of
your own soul (to your original bliss) – for those people who want to live
their life totally.(Set of 3 CDs)
Listen to Samples. To hear a song sample, click lower title or CD image.
1. Soulagement: Supports the listener so that he/she can return to the path of their soul.
2. Sincérité: Supports the listener in promoting love and respect in their relations with other people.
3. OMEDETO: Supports the listener to understand the true meaning of what is happening, and encourage themselves to challenge their own lives going forward.
Listen at least 4 times a day. The more you listen the affect will be more visible.
It is advised to listen to it with a headphone, but if you have it on repeat while you are doing
something or sleeping it will be easier to take in the frequencies. It is difficult for human beings
to live a life full of free happiness as their soul seeks. This is because fear and anxiety get in the way.
“Soulagement” means comfort in French. To decide on the name, we also took the meaning of “Contentment”
which means: by knowing your life’s mission, you can gain comfort in your heart and will not be bothered
by little matters.“Soulagement” helps you choose your own soul path (the essential purpose of your life.)
When you choose your life’s purpose, you will know that you are in the center of the spiral, the motionless
point, and all the tools needed for your development, such as happiness, amplitude, people, beauty and comfort
will be drawn into you.
Sincérité (17:13)
Listen at least 4 times a day.
The more you listen the affect will be more visible. It is advised to listen to it with a headphone, but if you have it
on repeat while you are doing something or sleeping it will be easier to take in the frequencies.Sincérité means
sincerity in French. It will help you find the love and the being of light in others, which you found in
yourself in the first segment, Soulagement. When all the beings discover the core intension, love starts
developing into a prayer. The essence of a prayer is the implicit respect and gratitude towards the being.
When you find the same essence in the people that have different paths than you, respect, understanding,
and trust will naturally come flowing out. By helping out this understanding, this CD will support the
people around you to be in harmony and live imaginatively. This understanding creates the real sincerity.
OMEDETO (5:15)
Listen to this CD as much as you want, when you like to. Listen to this CD before you are about to face a
challenge, or when a challenge has come to you. The more you listen the affect will be more visible. It is
advised to listen to it with a headphone, but if you have it on repeat while you are doing something or
sleeping it will be easier to take in the frequencies. OMEDETO means “congratulations” in Japanese.
When your soul is on the path of development, you can not get away from challenges. Challenges bring you
messages to bring light, amplitude, joy and beauty to your life. But if you are in the middle of spiral,
you can loose yourself and not realize the important messages. This CD will help you realize the meaning
of the challenges. When you see the challenging self with a third person point of view, it will be easier
to realize the message and be able to comfortably enjoy the challenges. When you face another challenge
again, you will be able to say to yourself “OMEDETO (Congratulations).”

This is a great CD for someone that is prone to building up a lot of stress during the course of their daily life. This will help restore your spiritual/body balance – perfect for those looking to live each day as fresh as possible.
Listen to Samples. To hear a song sample, click lower title or CD image.
Lotus: Regain your chakra balance when it has been affected by stress (both latent and sudden). Refresh yourself daily.
*Listening to this CD can cause drowsiness, so we recommend that you do not listen to this CD when driving or operating equipment of any sort.

This CD is for people looking to change their own space into “IYASHIROCHI”, or a haven of healing. This is good for someone that finds cleaning their room an overwhelming task – this will also create an environment where fortune works in your favor.
Listen to Samples. To hear a song sample, click lower title or CD image.
Clean up & Power up : Purify the energy in any room (or environment), as well as harnessing the power of “feng shui” (geomancy) under your control (it depends on the direction of your speakers when you play this CD).
Cleanup & Powerup
Other CDs and programs currently under development:
Here at RFS we are currently working on more unique CDs and programs on issues as diverse as: ‘Money’, ‘Brain’, ‘Developing Your Abilities’, ‘Anti-Aging’ and ‘Human Relationships’, etc. |